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How to make your friend's day better by sending them Compliments

Updated: Oct 2, 2022

3 Cheerful girls at a Party

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Did you know that complimenting people can make your day better? It's true! Compliments make people feel good about themselves, and when we feel good about ourselves, we're happier and more productive.

When you take the time to give someone a compliment, you are showing them that you care about them and that you appreciate them. Compliments can also be a great way to show your best friends how much you appreciate them. When you compliment your friends, they know that you are thinking of them and that you value their friendship. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of complimenting others, as well as some tips for giving compliments that are genuine and meaningful. We hope you enjoy it!

1. Why do Compliments make people feel good

When somebody pays you a compliment, it feels good. And there's a science behind why that is. When you receive a compliment, your brain releases dopamine. That's the same chemical that's released when you have an orgasm, win money, or eat certain foods. In other words, it makes you feel happy. On top of that, compliments also increase self-esteem and confidence. It's no wonder that people love compliments so much. They make us feel good about ourselves, both in the moment and in the long run.

2. How to deliver a compliment in a way that makes your friend feel good

Everyone loves a compliment, but sometimes they can come across as insincere or even backhanded. If you want to make sure your friend feels good when you give them a compliment, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be specific. A generic compliment like "you're pretty" can feel surface-level and impersonal. Instead, try to zero in on something you admire about your friend specifically, whether it's their sense of style or their passion for life. Second, be genuine. Avoid empty flattery or insincere praise - instead, focus on expressing why you appreciate your friend and what they add to your life. Finally, be positive. A compliment doesn't need to be all sunshines and rainbows, but it should avoid putting your friend down in any way.

3. What not to say when giving a compliment

A girl who is offended and gesturing people to stop

Everyone loves a compliment, but there are some things you should avoid saying if you want to give a genuine compliment that will be well-received. For example, avoid phrases like "you're so pretty for your age" or "you don't look like you just had a baby." These backhanded compliments can come across as insulting, and they can make the person feel self-conscious. Instead, focus on specific things that you admire about the person. If you think they look great, tell them why - maybe they have amazing skin or a great sense of style. If you think they're doing a great job, let them know what you admire specifically - maybe they're especially patient or organized. Avoiding general statements like "you're so smart" or "you're such a good person," which can feel like empty flattery. The key is to be specific, sincere, and genuine in your compliments, and you'll be sure to put a smile on someone's face.

4. Receiving compliments make people feel more confident and self-assured

Receiving compliments is always a nice feeling, but did you know that it can also have a positive impact on your mood and self-confidence? That's right - research has shown that receiving compliments can actually boost your confidence and self-assurance. One study found that participants who received compliments felt more confident in their abilities and were more likely to persist in the face of setbacks.

5. Types of compliments you can give depending on the situation

There are many different types of compliments that you can give, depending on the situation. For example, if you admire someone's work, you might say "That's amazing!" If you are enjoying a meal, you might say "This is delicious!" If you appreciate someone's help, you might say "Thank you so much!" Each of these compliments conveys a different message, but they all have one thing in common: they make the other person feel good. When you take the time to give a compliment, you are showing that you care about the other person and that you are grateful for what they have done.

6. Compliments help build relationships with others

Compliments are more than just a nice thing to say. Relationships are built on communication. When we interact with others, we exchange information that helps us to understand each other and to develop a connection. One way to communicate effectively is to give and receive compliments. When we give someone a compliment, we are expressing our positive feelings about them. This can make the other person feel good, and it can also help to build rapport. Likewise, when we receive a compliment, we can feel appreciated and valued. In turn, this can make us more likely to reciprocate with a compliment of our own. Thus, compliments can be an important tool for building relationships with others. By exchange compliments, we can create a cycle of positivity that can help to strengthen our bond with the people around us.

When you give a genuine compliment, you show that you appreciate the other person and value their contribution. This can help to create a sense of connection and mutual respect. In addition, compliments can help to build trust and goodwill. When you regularly exchange compliments with someone, it can create a climate of positive reinforcement that can make it easier to resolve disagreements and build a stronger relationship.

7. People like to be complimented on things they're proud of

A man feeling proud about himself

One of the best things about compliments is that they can be given for just about anything. Whether someone has accomplished a difficult task, or simply looks nice in a new outfit, a compliment can make their day. And while it's always nice to receive compliments, they can mean even more when they're given for something we're proud of. After all, our accomplishments are a reflection of who we are, and being recognized for them can be validation that we're on the right track.

There's nothing quite like the feeling of being recognized for something you're proud of. Whether it's a job well done, a talent you have, or simply the way you look, a compliment can make your day. And it's not just because we enjoy hearing nice things about ourselves - compliments also help to increase our self-confidence and sense of self-worth. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with messages of our own inadequacy, a few kind words can make all the difference.

8. You don't need to know someone well to give them a compliment

In our everyday lives, we are constantly interacting with others. Whether we are at work, home, or out with friends, we are constantly exchanging words and actions. One way to make these interactions more positive is to give compliments. A compliment is a kind or favorable remark, especially one that expresses approval of someone’s ability or achievement. Compliments can help to build relationships, foster goodwill, and motivate others. They can also be a simple act of kindness that brightens someone’s day. You don’t need to be best friends with someone to give them a compliment. Oftentimes, a stranger’s compliment can brighten up someone’s day.In other words, it doesn’t matter if you know the person well or not, giving compliments is always a nice gesture that can make someone feel good.

9. Avoid giving backhanded compliments or making comparisons to others

A girl showing that she is confused and has her hands partially raised

Ever been on the receiving end of a backhanded compliment? You know, the kind where someone says something that sounds like a compliment, but is actually an insult disguised as flattery. For example, "That dress really brings out your curves" or "You're so funny for a girl." Ouch. Backhanded compliments are never welcome, and can cause hurt feelings or even damage relationships. If you're not sure whether something you're about to say might be construed as a backhanded compliment, it's best to err on the side of caution and keep your comments positive.

Likewise, avoid making comparisons to others when giving compliments. For example, don't say "You're the smartest person in this room" or "You're the best singer in the school chorus." Not only are these statements potentially hurtful to those who don't measure up, but they can also create feelings of competition and envy. Instead, focus on the individual qualities that make the person you're complimenting special. After all, there's no need to compare when everyone has unique gifts and talents to offer.

10. Be aware of your tone of voice and body language when giving compliments

Compliments are a great way to show appreciation for someone, but it's important to be aware of your tone of voice and body language when giving them. A sincere compliment will usually be spoken in a warm, friendly tone. The person's body language should also match the tone of the compliment; they should be looking at the person they're speaking to, and their posture should be open and relaxed. On the other hand, insincere compliments are often given in a flat, monotone voice, and the person giving them may avoid eye contact or have closed body language. If you're not sure whether a compliment is genuine, pay attention to the other person's nonverbal cues. If they seem uncomfortable or unsure, it's best to err on the side of caution and hold off on giving the compliment.

What to say when you receive a Compliment

A smiling girl joining her hands together to pray

When you receive a compliment, it's important to know how to respond in a way that is both gracious and genuine. First, take a moment to truly savour the words that were spoken - after all, it's not every day that somebody goes out of their way to say something nice about you! Once you've taken a moment to appreciate the sentiment, the next step is to say thank you. But beware - simply uttering the word "thank you" can sometimes come across as insincere or even ungrateful. Instead, try to personalize your response by expressing why you're grateful for the compliment. For example, you might say something like "I'm so happy to hear that my work made a difference for you" or "Thank you - your kind words mean a lot to me." By taking the time to express your appreciation, you'll not only come across as more genuine, but you'll also make the other person feel good about themselves - and that's always a nice feeling.


Giving and receiving compliments is a great way to show appreciation for others and make them feel good about themselves. However, there is an art to giving compliments that should be followed in order to ensure that they are received well. When giving compliments, always aim to be sincere, specific, and genuine. And when receiving compliments, remember to take a moment to appreciate the words spoken, and then express your gratitude in a personal way. By following these tips, you can make sure that your compliments are always well-received - and make somebody's day just a little bit brighter in the process. And who knows? You may just start getting compliments back in return making your day better!


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